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Ein Stein fällt mir vom Herzen

Performance together with So Young Park

Duration: 15 Minutes

"A stone falls from my heart” is a German saying which refers to the feeling of relief - a relief we imagine to experience with the realization of one’s possibility to constantly change and become other forms of being.

In this metamorphosis, we carry objects with us which we care for and which take care of us and carry us into another life cycle.

But as these stones fall from our hearts, they transform their meaning and become performing subjects as well, changing the way we interact with them, making us question our assuumed difference. Performing as travelleres between forms of being, we will explore a rythm of becoming and letting go, growing into fossils, writing our wills, controlling and nurturing, turning into material.


Concept and performance by Yoko Halbwidl and So Young Park

Performed on 31.10.2024 & 01.11.2024 at "The others Art Fair" in Turin and on 21.02.2025 at ES49, Vienna.

Photo Credit: Julia Bertermann


© 2023 Yoko Halbwidl

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